Managing COVID-19 in Wisconsin: Streamlined State Reporting and Patient Population Engagement
- Efficiently distribute test results
- Automate data collection per State requirements
Deep into the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, Waukesha County’s Health and Human Services department needed more efficient ways to distribute test results to their patient population, collect information on those patients who tested positive, and report that information back to the State of Wisconsin. Waukesha County also sought efficient ways to inform those same patients about free vaccination clinics.
People.Health developed a custom solution that enabled Waukesha’s health department employees to digitally distribute test results to high volumes of COVID-19-positive patients in just one click. The same solution also delivered case reporting questionnaires to those patients, automating the case investigations process. Questionnaire responses populated a spreadsheet for upload into state reporting systems, while messages that were not delivered, or questionnaires that were not answered, were flagged for case investigation follow-up. People.Health’s broadcast tool enabled Waukesha County to raise awareness of their vaccination clinics by facilitating the delivery of thousands of text message reminders to their patient population.
By automating and digitizing processes that were previously manual and phone-based, Waukesha was able to vastly reduce its reliance on call centers and other expensive and inefficient stop-gap staffing measures, while simultaneously increasing patient participation in both case investigation and vaccinations.